Give A Little Bit!

Give A Little Bit!

The Jetty Rock Foundation, our 501(C)3 Charitable Organization and the nonprofit arm of our company, is set to reach $200,000 in donations in 2019!  This is the most that we will have donated in any single year since forming in the wake of Superstorm Sandy.  We're stoked to continue to grow our nonprofit right along side of our other divisions, so we can make environmental contributions as well as assist those who make their lives around the water.  We've had some incredible partnerships this year, especially Tide Table Group, Barlow Buick GMC, Hackensack Meridian Health - Southern Ocean Medical Center, Causeway Family of Dealerships, Equity Prime, Farias Surf & Sport, Fantasy Island Amusement Park, The Wireless Experience and The Wright Law Firm.  We're also saying farewell to our President, Ann Coen, who put in a boatload of work over the last 7 years ~ her service will be missed, but we know she won't be far away!  Before we get on to everything new and exciting for the JRF in '20, here are a few ways that you can donate and be a part...THANK YOU!

Text JettyRock to 41444 (case sensitive)

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