Well, this one could live in our SEA, LAND or BUZZ category on this blog as we officially congratulate Brian & Natalie Farias on tying the knot last month! Brian Farias was literally the first to take Jetty into his shops in 2003 as we set out to create a lifestyle surf apparel brand - he's responsible for giving us a shot. He has stood behind everything that we do while giving us a huge voice to tell our story through his multiple retail locations. As a friend, community leader and partner, we have survived a Superstorm and 15+ years of the ups & downs of small business together. We always have our #1 retailer's back, and we know that they have ours...and now the girl of Brian's dreams is part of the equation! We're so stoked for these two, and all of the love that they pulse throughout the surf industry and well beyond! The #FariasFiesta in Cabo last month The infamous #DoomsDaySwell swell by Kyle Gronostajski Some of our crew raising funds post-Sandy