Well, we finally ran the 4th Annual Jetty Clam Jam this past Saturday and saying it was worth the wait may be an understatement! The jam went down in head high, clean, barreling conditions and the new location (beach 1/wooden jetty - Holgate, NJ) seemed like the perfect spot for the weekend swell! In the end, Nick Rossi & John Bonner took down Ryan Kelly & Kyle Calandra to claim the clam! We also ran the Coquina Jam finals as Kim Kepich & Jess Johnson beat out Deb Green & Corey DeStefano. Stay tuned for photos and video of the event and a full revamping of our clam/coquina jam sections of the website. Once again, we cannot thank the surfers, volunteers, judges, and sponsors enough for carrying on what has become an epic tradition! *Note to all photogs - Please send in your hi-res images to info@jettylife.com as Ann Coen will be creating a slide show!