The Red Baron strikes again!

Having shared an office with Jon Coen for a few years, we're known for going tit for tat & thrashing each other over emails, but it's all in good fun. Hell, I even wrote a little song about him when we were in Barbados, but we'll save "Jonny Sumeritan" for another time! We surf a ton, break it all down and laugh over fish tacos quite a bit. In all seriousness, Coen is one of the hardest working dudes in the industry - hustlin' every day from running the surfing blog on ESPN to draining oil for his Veg-mobile to working on his solar-powered house. He's also an instrumental part of the Jetty Clam Jam. Here the old Red Baron is caught biking up the street mid-blizzard by his wife Ann. This photo, along with a few others of Royce Weber & Brian Coen shredding were recently a part of ESM's "February Feast" - check it out! Red Baron on Bike

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