Brian the Architect?

I have to take credit for coining the nickname "Parnavore" for Brian Parnagian...not so sure it ever stuck outside of our crew that traveled to Peru, but he's in my phone under that moniker. Is a new nickname coming soon? Probably, as Brian is now entering graduate school in the field of architecture and tackling something completely brand new! He started his own little blog so you can follow his journey - check it out here! Brian might have to take a little break from world traveling at the moment, but we're sure he'll still find time to play some music. He recently formed a group called Varton & the Sandcrabs and his solo track, "What Will Come" was featured in instrumental form in A Pleasant Surprise which premiered last weekend at the Paramount Theatre. Did we mention he rides for us too?! Here's a shot from his last trip to the Soup Bowl! Good luck in graduate school kid! Brian Parnagian - Soup Bowl

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