Jetty x Tweeting, ugh...

Without a doubt you are (so are we) sick of hearing the social media buzz word over and over and over again on every media outlet imaginable for the past six months, however twitter, if used properly, offers a new way of connecting with both customers and friends...We've been long talking about jumping on the bandwagon (something we don't often like to do) and decided it would be a good idea to start contributing to the twitter community. Without further ado we present Follow us for all things Jetty, commentary on surf, skate & indie culture, DIY, production, business, music, our extended Jetty family & of course Jetty discounts and exclusive deals! We look forward to tweeting about things that matter and not how delicious our WaWa hoagie the way, did anyone see the @WaWa hoagie fest tv commercials?! Just kidding jetty-twittercollab

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