Who designed that shirt? Who shot that photo? These are questions we hear on a daily basis so we decided to bring you a little closer to our creatives. Jetty has quite the extensive family of artists, musicians & photographers - all renaissance men and women who have contributed greatly to our brand. Enter Luke Simpson, a 38-yr old photographer and high school marine science teacher who lives in and loves the Northeast. Luke shot team rider Randy Townsend in Costa Rica last winter which led to a killer Jetty poster. He also shoots outside of surfing - music, architecture, landscapes - check out his website for some inspiring stuff! If you're looking to promote athletes in the Northeast, Luke's your man...and to all of you aspiring photogs, Luke says, "So many good surf photographers were pro caliber boogie boarders at some point, there must be something to it. As long as your friends aren't too brutal, spending some time on a sponge should help."