Coquina Jam Bracket!

Okay ladies, here are the teams which were picked at random yesterday. We were siked to reach our goal of 32 surfers and apologize to those who were unable to get into the Jam - However, please come out on WED, AUG 26th, support the girls who are surfing and list your information with us - you may be able to surf as an alternate or at the very least we will have your vitals for next year's contest! Do attempt to get in touch with your partner before the contest (contact us for your partner's phone/email) & please arrive @ Hudson Ave. early (contest starts @ 5pm)! If you haven't paid the $25 entry fee, then you will need to sign in on the beach, sign the waiver and perhaps discuss some strategy with your partner! See you there! Coquina Jam Bracket

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