As part of Post Superstorm Sandy recovery and rebuilding efforts we are working with a team of researchers from the Rutgers Network Sciences Lab who are studying how our organizational relationships and professional networks are contributing to recovery and rebuilding efforts in the region. Building off of similar research conducted in New Orleans after Hurricane Katrina, this study, The Emergence of Resource Networks in Response to Disasters, is intended to gather information on the ways a variety of organizations managed their return following Superstorm Sandy as well as over the course of their subsequent recovery and rebuilding efforts. Members of the team have met with different organizations in the LBI Region, attended the Southern Ocean County Chamber of Commerce's State of the Chamber meeting at Sea Oaks and the Chamber's nonprofits forum at Stockton’s regional instructional facility in Manahawkin. The project is also being supported by the Monmouth-Ocean Development Council and The Jersey Shore Partnership as well as other chambers and municipal officials. Their surveys are also online and the findings will help us to better understand how the ways we work together contribute to stronger and more resilient organizations and communities. The findings will help us to both document our current collective activities and efforts and to also plan for the future. The team will share their findings with us via briefings, reports and publications. Please take some time to participate today. The more we know about how we all work together in good times and bad, the more we can help each other out when times get rough. Businesses can fill out the survey here Non-profits can fill out the survey here