Sandy Treasures-Auktion

Unsere Freundin Cindy Dudas veranstaltet eine Kunstauktion von Sandy Treasures zugunsten von Waves For Water ! Sie akzeptieren Kunstwerke bis zum 15. März und die einzige Richtlinie ist, dass Ihre Stücke ein Küstenthema enthalten. Sie können mehr darüber auf der Waves For Water-Spendenaktionsseite lesen und/oder sich das Anmeldeformular ansehen. FireShot-Screenshot Nr. 067 – „Sandy Treasures Art Auction – Waves For Water“ – www_wavesforwater_org_fundraiser_sandy-treasures-art-auction

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Thank you SO much for sharing. Up until now, my friends Jess & Kate and I have been running the Hurricane Sandy Support Page- South Jersey on Facebook to help connect people who need help with those who could give it… but we felt the need to do more. It is because of you that we are running this fundraiser. You guys at Jetty are such an inspiration. When we saw that you were working with Waves for Water, we knew immediately that they were the right operation to help fund. Thank you for doing all that you do to help get things back to normal around here.
We have a lot of beautiful artwork coming in from all different genres of the craft. We will start auctioning on April 1st, so be ready to bid on some GREAT stuff for an even GREATER cause!
Thanks again guys.

Cindy Dudas

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