16th Annual Coquina Jam

16th Annual Coquina Jam

Our Coquina Jam is one of the best "feel good" days of the year!  Registration is still open and sponsorships are still available.  We've raised and donated in excess of $475,000 from this amazing event which is a partnership between our Jetty Rock Foundation and David's Dream & Believe Cancer Foundation.  Check out this inspiring testimonial from Erika Lanahan, a community member battling a cancer diagnosis that we assisted after last year's event.  We couldn't be more proud of Erika, and everyone who contributes to this powerful all-women's surf contest for a cause!

Each registered surfer also fundraises individually as we strive toward a $50,000 goal.  The ladies raised $40,000+ last year!  You can support the cause in a specific surfer's name here.