Vídeo del Higgs

¡ Matt Higgins, miembro del Salón de la Fama de Jetty, tuvo un fin de semana ocupado editando un montón de tubos! Todos los chicos de LBI estaban activos cuando el clima finalmente mejoró el fin de semana pasado. A pesar del duro invierno, ¡no podemos quejarnos de la cantidad de olas! ¿Cuántos Jetty Team Riders puedes encontrar en este video?

1 comentario

41 the shore lifestyle People may duelde themselves into believing they are living the shore lifestyle, but unless they are living on a lagoon (and are an avid boater) or are east of 35, 71, Main street in the area south of Monmouth Beach, or are in Monmouth Beach/Sea Bright, they are NOT living the shore lifestyle. Traffic in Toms River, Brick, Wall, Middletown, yadda, yadda, is worse than north of the bridge, and I prefer driving in Manhattan to driving in those places. I LOVE THE SHORE, note the name, and love walking to the boards and the beach. Nevertheless, my love of the area does not blind me to the serious downsides of living doen the Shore. What was quaint as a vacation place becomes hellish when turned to year-round living; just ask anyone who travels Fisher Blve, in Toms River, to get to Hooper, to Brick Blvd, to fight to get to the Parkway, to Fight to get to a decent income north of The Bridge.

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