Duke no es un payaso

Alex Duke, piloto del Jetty Team, es un artista autodidacta que vive en Brooklyn, Nueva York, y que continuamente persigue su pasión por el skate y el diseño. ¡Echa un vistazo al mundo poco convencional, extraño y divertido de su marca Wizard Skull el 23 de agosto, de 7 a 10 p. m. en Mishka !


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Ultimately though, I reckon both my misgivings and Steven’s radical plan miss the purpose about overpopulation, not since the Duke Ain’t No Clown « Jetty topic ought to be taboo, but basically because they propose a bad solutions to the correct question. We can easily neither guilt trip people into without needing kids, nor are we able to legislate as it. Besides any moral qualms, they may be ? ????? hardly the most beneficial strategies to bring population in hand.

????? ?????????

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