Mark Tesi is someone that I have always looked up to. I was recently wearing one of his old wetsuits that I had grabbed at a fire sale before he moved to CA. This thing was retched, had several holes in it and brought on comments such as, "Dude, aren't you cold?" & "Is that thing from High School?!" What can I say, I have a little salt of the earth in me! Tesi & his wife, Julie Goldstein, have been sorely missed by the East Coast since moving out West...especially on our little barrier island of Long Beach Island where they lived, worked, surfed and inspired for so many years. Mark & Julie are simply phenomenal creatives and Jetty Hall of Fam'r Jon Coen does a nice job detailing their latest life moves in Salt of the Earth, a recent ESM feature...check it out here! Congrats guys!